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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More of Him and Less of me.

I recently read something from a friend of mine and he was talking about the "undo" button. How fortunate we are to have an undo button on our computers to save us from major mishaps (most of the time). How it would be so neat if we had undo buttons for our daily lives. It would be a neat thing and it would definitely save us from making some stupid mistakes but, would we learn anything if we knew we could just hit the magic button and undo our wrongs? I've thought myself lots of times it would be great if we could fast forward ourselves through the rough times in life but, again we would destroy the opportunity to learn from our situations. We wouldn't need to rely on God with undo buttons and fast forwards and we wouldn't learn from our mistakes and circumstances. My prayer for this New Year is that i learn to lean on God more and myself less. I want to think before doing so i don't need to wish for an undo button and i want to trust God more so i don't try to fast forward through the hard times. My prayer is that He be more in control of me.

Proverbs 3:5 & 6 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.